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Hooks and Events

Hooks before Writing

When you define a module, you can pass the modifyPayloadOn config, in which you can define functions you want to be executed every time BEFORE a write method is called.

The config you can pass for modifyPayloadOn is an object with the following properties. All properties are optional.

  • write — triggered every time for methods insert, merge, assign, replace
  • insert — triggered every time for method insert
  • merge — triggered every time for method merge
  • assign — triggered every time for method assign
  • replace — triggered every time for method replace
  • deleteProp — triggered every time for method deleteProp
  • read — triggered every time for method stream, fetch
  • stream — triggered every time for method stream
  • fetch — triggered every time for method fetch

Your modifyPayloadOn-function will receive the payload as param and must return the payload again. The main purpose is that you can modify the payload before anything happens.

Here we give some examples with common use cases.

Apply Default Values on Insert

In this example we ensure that every insert will always include a set of props with some default values we choose.

const defaultsPokemon = () => ({
  name: '',
  type: '',
  level: 0,

const pokedexModule = magnetar.collection('pokedex', {
  modifyPayloadOn: {
    insert: (payload) => {
      return { ...defaultsPokemon(), ...payload }

// default values will be applied
pokedexModule.doc('abc').insert({ name: 'Unown' })

// pokedexModule.doc('abc').data ≈ { name: 'Unown', type: '', level: 0 }

Add Created At / Updated At Fields

In this example we ensure that every write will always include createdAt and updatedAt fields.

const pokedexModule = magnetar.collection('pokedex', {
  modifyPayloadOn: {
    insert: (payload) => {
      const createdAt = new Date().toISOString()
      return { createdAt, ...payload }
    write: (payload) => {
      const updatedAt = new Date().toISOString()
      return { updatedAt, ...payload }

// default values will be applied
pokedexModule.doc('abc').insert({ name: 'Ponyta' })

// pokedexModule.doc('abc').data ≈ { name: 'Ponyta', createdAt: '2020-12-18T05:56:06.735Z', updatedAt: '2020-12-18T05:56:06.735Z' }

pokedexModule.doc('abc').merge({ name: 'Rappidash' })

// pokedexModule.doc('abc').data ≈ { name: 'Rappidash', createdAt: '2020-12-18T05:56:06.735Z', updatedAt: '2021-02-22T04:06:06.735Z' }

Here is a clean way you could reuse such logic easily in multiple modules:

export function addCreatedAt(payload) {
  const createdAt = new Date().toISOString()
  return { createdAt, ...payload }

export function addUpdatedAt(payload) {
  const updatedAt = new Date().toISOString()
  return { updatedAt, ...payload }

And then in the file(s) you define your modules:

import { addCreatedAt, addUpdatedAt } from './helpers/index.js'

const pokedexModule = magnetar.collection('pokedex', {
  modifyPayloadOn: {
    insert: addCreatedAt,
    write: addUpdatedAt,

Convert undefined to null

Some remote stores (eg. Firestore) do not allow the value undefined. In this case you can set up a hook that converts undefined to null whenever data is written. For this example we're going to use a tiny helper utility I wrote called find-and-replace-anything.

import { findAndReplace } from 'find-and-replace-anything'

const pokedexModule = magnetar.collection('pokedex', {
  modifyPayloadOn: {
    write: (payload) => findAndReplace(payload, undefined, null),

// undefined will be converted to null
pokedexModule.doc('abc').insert({ name: 'Unown', type: undefined })

// pokedexModule.doc('abc').data ≈ { name: 'Unown', type: null }

Remove Certain Values

Some remote stores (eg. Firestore) do not allow the value undefined. In this case you can set up a hook that completely removes undefined before the data is sent to your cache and remote stores. For this example we're going to use a tiny helper utility I wrote called remove-anything.

import { removeProp } from 'remove-anything'

const pokedexModule = magnetar.collection('pokedex', {
  modifyPayloadOn: {
    write: (payload) => removeProp(payload, undefined),

// undefined will be removed
pokedexModule.doc('abc').insert({ name: 'Unown', type: undefined })

// pokedexModule.doc('abc').data ≈ { name: 'Unown' }

Omit Certain Props

If you have some props that you never want to be included, you can omit them from the payload on every write. For this example we're going to use a tiny helper utility I wrote called filter-anything.

import { omit } from 'filter-anything'

 * These props will be omitted on every write (the props below are hypothetical examples)
const propsToOmit = ['metadataXYZ', '_temporaryTag']

const pokedexModule = magnetar.collection('pokedex', {
  modifyPayloadOn: {
    write: (payload) => omit(payload, propsToOmit),

// propsToOmit will be removed
pokedexModule.doc('abc').insert({ name: 'Unown', metadataXYZ: 'xyz', _temporaryTag: 'new' })

// pokedexModule.doc('abc').data ≈ { name: 'Unown' }

Hooks after Reading

When you define a module, you can pass the modifyReadResponseOn config, in which you can define functions you want to be executed every time AFTER a document is retrieved from the remote store.

The config you can pass for modifyReadResponseOn is an object with the following properties. All properties are optional.

  • added — triggered every time data comes in from your remote store (the server), during the methods stream and fetch
  • modified — triggered every time data is modified on your remote store (the server), during the method stream
  • removed — triggered every time data is removed from your remote store (the server) OR if a document satisfy the query filters of your module anymore, during the method stream

Your modifyReadResponseOn-function will receive a payload as param which is the incoming data and must return that payload again. The main purpose is that you can modify the payload before it is added to your local cache store.

Here we give some examples with common use cases.

Apply Default Values on Read

In this example we ensure that every time a document is read from your remote store (the server) that we always include a set of props with some default values we choose.

This might be useful when there is a chance that some parts of your database is outdated and misses props that you need in your front-end.

const defaultsPokemon = () => ({
  name: '',
  type: '',
  level: 0,

const pokedexModule = magnetar.collection('pokedex', {
  modifyReadResponseOn: {
    added: (payload) => {
      return { ...defaultsPokemon(), ...payload }

// default values will be applied when docs are retrieved during stream

Prevent Doc Removal During Stream

documentation below is still WIP

hint: returning undefined will discard the document change and do nothing with the local cache store

Accessing Metadata when Reading Data

documentation WIP

hint: you can access the metadata as second param


documentation WIP


hint: use case: toasts

hint: use case: developer logging (see setup for now)

Global Events

documentation WIP

hint: you can setup global events when you instantiate magnetar