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Store Plugins

The idea of Magnetar is that you only need to learn how to work with one syntax to read/write data. Your store plugins are the ones that do the heavy lifting in the background to either cache the data locally or make API requests for you. The store plugins are set up in a config file, then can be forgotten about.

In most cases you use Magnetar with two store plugins installed:

  • A "local" store plugin, for the data you need cached while using the app. (like Vuex or a simple global object)
  • A "remote" store plugin, for the remote data stored. (like Firestore or any other database)

When reading data: the remote store will fetch the data; the local store will then add that data for you, so you can easily access and use it in your app.

When writing data: the local store will save your changes in its cache; the remote will then make an API call to your database. (you can also flip this around, so the local store is only updated after the remote one)

List of Plugins

Available store plugins

  • Firestore (remote)
  • Simple Store (local)
  • Vue 2 (local)
  • Vue 3 (local)

Planned store plugins (TBD)

  • Local Storage (for data caching)
  • IndexedDB (for data caching)
  • Fauna (remote)
  • Supabase (remote)


With Magnetar, the idea is that your data is organized and accessible through modules. A module could be a single object (a "document") or multiple objects (a "collection").

Modules are dynamically created and destroyed when you read/write data! JavaScript will automatically garbage-collect modules that are not referenced anymore.

The concept of modules in Magnetar was inspired by Google Firestore and the Firebase SDK. If you are already familiar with this SDK, feel free to skip this section and go straight to Setup

Collection vs Document Modules

A "module" is something that points to a certain chunk of data in your database.

A module instance provides you with these four things: (1) methods to read data; (2) methods to write data; (3) the data itself; (4) options to apply hooks, listen to events, etc.

Every module can be one of two types:

  • document: has a single object as data
  • collection: has an map of objects as data

Collections can hold several documents, and documents can have sub-collections with more documents. Like so:

collection / document / collection / document

As an example: pokedex/001/moves/leafAttack

  • pokedex & moves are "collections"
  • 001 & leafAttack are "documents"

Creating a Module

Creating a module is also called instantiating a module. Each module is instantiated just by calling either collection() or doc() on your Magnetar instance and passing a path like so:

const myCollection = magnetar.collection('some-collection')

const myDoc = magnetar.doc('some-collection/some-doc')
// OR
const myDoc = magnetar.collection('some-collection').doc('some-doc')

Please note: A path to a doc must always be nested under a collection name.

The Purpose of a Collection/Doc Path

Each collection and doc need to have a path that points to that collection. The purpose of this path is to become the identifier where your local store will save your documents.

By default a path is the same path to the data in your remote store. Eg. a doc module with path users/abc123 will represent the same document as in your database at that path.

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